10 Strangest Things About Airplanes

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Airplanes have revolutionized the way we travel, making the world a smaller and more accessible place. However, behind the familiar exterior lies a world of intriguing engineering and peculiarities. In this article, we will explore ten of the strangest and most fascinating things about airplanes that might surprise you.

Wing Flex:

One of the most surprising sights during takeoff and landing is the flexing of an airplane’s wings. Modern aircraft are designed with flexible wings that can bend significantly under heavy loads. This feature ensures a smoother ride during turbulent weather and provides structural integrity.

Wing Flex
Wing Flex

Hidden Lavatories:

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Have you ever wondered where the flight attendants disappear to when the cabin lights are off? Most commercial airplanes have secret compartments hidden within the cabin, serving as a rest area for the crew or containing extra facilities like lavatories.

hidden elevator
hidden elevator

Staircase to Nowhere:

Some older airplanes, like the Boeing 747, have a staircase leading to an upper deck that no longer exists. These aircraft used to feature a lounge or additional seating on the upper deck, but most have since been reconfigured to accommodate more passengers.

staiecase from nowhere
staiecase from nowhere

Blue Sky and Stars:

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Look up during a long-haul flight, and you might catch a glimpse of the stars. Some aircraft have special dome-shaped windows that allow passengers to stargaze or observe the brilliant blue sky above, even during daytime.

Möbius Strip Antennas:

Many modern airplanes have antennas installed inside the fuselage designed in the shape of a Möbius strip. This peculiar design allows for better communication between the aircraft and ground stations, ensuring a more reliable connection.


Winglets are those upward or downward curved tips at the end of an airplane’s wings. While they might look like a mere design feature, winglets serve a crucial purpose. They reduce drag, increase fuel efficiency, and improve overall performance, helping to save both money and the environment.

Whisper-Quiet Engines:

Despite their enormous size, modern aircraft engines are engineered to be exceptionally quiet. This noise reduction technology has become vital in reducing the environmental impact of air travel, making airplanes more neighbor-friendly during takeoff and landing.

Wingtip Navigation Lights:

The wingtip lights on airplanes are not just for decoration; they serve a specific purpose in aviation communication. The left wingtip light is red, and the right one is green, helping other pilots and air traffic controllers determine the direction an aircraft is moving, enhancing safety in the skies.

Aircraft Lavatory Waste:

Ever wondered what happens to the waste from airplane lavatories? It doesn’t just get dumped mid-flight. Airplanes are equipped with waste storage tanks, and the waste is disposed of properly once the aircraft lands.

Supersonic Travel:

While supersonic commercial flights were once a reality with the Concorde, they are now largely a thing of the past. However, there are ongoing efforts to revive supersonic travel, with companies working on next-generation supersonic passenger aircraft that could potentially reduce travel times significantly.


Airplanes are marvels of engineering and design, and they continue to evolve with advancements in technology. From their flexible wings to the hidden mysteries within the cabin, the world of aviation holds numerous fascinating surprises. These ten strange things about airplanes shed light on the intricacies of air travel and remind us that the sky holds many wonders yet to be explored.

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