Millionaire Takes a Stand for the Environment, Sells Private Jet

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The private jet industry has experienced significant growth over the past two decades, with soaring market records. However, a recent report by the US Institute for Policy Studies highlights the disproportionate contribution of private jets to climate change, emitting at least 10 times more pollutants per passenger compared to commercial planes. In a surprising move, a millionaire entrepreneur has decided to sell his private jet for the sake of the environment.

The Decision to Go Commercial

After owning multiple private jets, the millionaire, referred to as Prince, has made the decision to give up his private jet, despite his love for the convenience and luxury it offers. Prince acknowledges the drawbacks of commercial flying, including TSA procedures, long lines, and lost luggage. However, he is determined to stick to his decision, emphasizing that he made the choice in March of this year.

A Transition to Smaller, More Fuel-Efficient Travel

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While Prince is selling his current private jet, he plans to continue using private air travel occasionally for specific purposes. A friend has offered to lease him a smaller aircraft, a twin turbo, which burns significantly less fuel compared to his current jet. Prince intends to use this aircraft only a few times a year for trips to a pheasant hunting preserve in Nebraska.

Personal Decision, Not an Advocacy Campaign

Prince does not intend to persuade other millionaires to follow suit. He acknowledges that private air travel can be tempting and understands why others would enjoy it. He believes that his decision is a personal one and does not seek to make it a broader mission.

Calls for Taxation and Regulation

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In line with Prince’s actions, the Institute for Policy Studies report recommends higher taxes on private jet sales and fuel. The authors propose a 10% sales tax on used aircraft and 5% on new ones. Additionally, they advocate for doubling the federal jet fuel tax for frequent private jet users. The report estimates that Elon Musk, a prominent private jet user, would pay millions of dollars in additional taxes under these proposed conditions.

A Reflection of Inequality and Concentration of Wealth

According to Chuck Collins, one of the authors of the report, private jets exemplify the growing wealth and power disparity in society. From an ecological perspective, decarbonizing the aviation sector becomes crucial, with private jets being a prime target for change. Collins suggests implementing high taxes, usage fees, and fuel taxes to discourage private jet ownership. He also argues against the construction of new private aviation infrastructure.

Millionaire Takes a Stand for the Environment, Sells Private Jet
Millionaire Takes a Stand for the Environment, Sells Private Jet

Global and Regional Initiatives

The global private jet fleet has grown by 133% in the last two decades, reaching 23,133 aircraft by mid-2022. In Europe, countries such as France and Ireland are urging policymakers to tighten regulations on private jets to reduce their usage. Amsterdam’s Schiphol airport is even considering a ban on private jets. These initiatives reflect a growing consensus on the need to make private air travel account for its ecological and social costs.


The decision of a millionaire entrepreneur to sell his private jet for environmental reasons brings attention to the disproportionate carbon emissions of the private jet industry. It also sparks discussions about the need for higher taxes and regulations to discourage private jet ownership and reduce the sector’s impact on climate change. As the global private jet fleet continues to grow, it becomes increasingly vital to address the ecological consequences and explore sustainable alternatives in air travel.

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