Traveling by plane: Say goodbye to the 100ml liquid restriction in carry-on luggage!

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If you travel frequently, you are probably familiar with the liquid restrictions in carry-on luggage. But soon, you won’t have to worry about this rule anymore and will be able to bring all your favorite skincare and beauty products without any size limits. The days of the 100ml liquid restriction in carry-on luggage during your air travel are over!

Traveling by plane: Say goodbye to the 100ml liquid restriction in carry-on luggage!
This measure could be lifted thanks to the use of 3D scanners, currently being tested in English airports.

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If you travel frequently, you are probably familiar with the liquid restrictions in carry-on luggage. But soon, you won’t have to worry about this rule anymore and will be able to bring all your favorite skincare and beauty products without any size limits. The days of the 100ml liquid restriction in carry-on luggage during your air travel are over!

Traveling by plane: Say goodbye to the 100ml liquid restriction in carry-on luggage!
This measure could be lifted thanks to the use of 3D scanners, currently being tested in English airports.

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Transporting liquids up to 2L now allowed
British airports will even allow the transportation of liquids up to two liters. The Transport Minister, Mark Harper, is convinced of the effectiveness of this system to “improve the travelers’ experience” while detecting potential threats.

The 3D scanning will be gradually implemented in all UK airports by 2024 and is already being tested at Terminal 3 in Orly, France since October. The staff will be trained in the coming year before the publication of the findings, as reported by Ça m’intéresse.

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