Incident: Several British Airways Crew Members Hospitalized After Plane Plummets 1,000 Feet During Turbulence

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Several British Airways cabin crew members were seriously injured during severe turbulence on a flight from Singapore to London, specifically on board the BA12 flight. The plane experienced intense and sustained turbulence over the Bay of Bengal.

Description of the Aircraft and Investigation

The Boeing 777-300ER aircraft was flying over the Bay of Bengal on Friday morning. According to The Sun newspaper, the airline had not encountered such incidents in the past five years, and the severity of the turbulence was described as “obscene.”

Crew Members’ Injuries

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One crew member possibly suffered a broken leg, while another sustained a serious head injury, and the third suffered a broken femur after being flung into the air during the turbulence.

Passenger Reactions

Screams were heard from the passengers, and a great deal of upset spread throughout the cabins. The “fasten seat belt” signs were illuminated, but the crew members were carrying out essential duties when they were thrown around the cabin.

Return to Singapore and Aircraft Inspection

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The flight was forced to turn back to Singapore around 3 am on Friday, where the aircraft underwent a check for structural damage.

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